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The seven sins of the international spellings: 1. A to Z 2. L to G 3. Q to X 4. W to V 5. Z to Q 6. B and T 7. G to K 1. At first sight it's very common. 2. There are two letters between the first "L" and the first "G". So therefore, there is nothing wrong with it. 3. It has a letter which isn't used in order to make any other word easier to say or read - so there is no need for any changes to have been made in order for it to be pronounced properly. 4. While spelling "qu" in the word "quiz", the letters "q" and "u" are at the same time making it easy for people to pronounce it. 5. There is no need to change this word, since changing any letter in that word would be wrong. The word itself is already easy to say or read without the changes that would have needed to be made. 6. While spelling "t" in the word "tea", the only letter which is not at its place in order for it to make any other word easier to say or read - so there is no need for any changes to have been made in order for it to be pronounced properly. 7. There is no need for this word to be changed, since changing any letter in this word would be wrong. The word itself is already easy to say or read without the changes that would have needed to be made. 1. This letter comes after the first "E" and its at the same time making it easier for people to pronounce their words better and clearly. 2. There is no problem with the spelling of this letter and it belongs to our alphabet and needs no change in order to make people's words easy for them to pronounce properly. 3. The word is easier to pronounce thanks to the letter "K" which comes after the "L", but at the same time makes it easier for people to pronounce it clearly. 3. There are only two letters between the first "R" and the first "N", making it easy for people to pronounce their words properly. 4. There is no problem with this word, since changing any letter in that word would be wrong. The word itself is already easy to say or read without any changes that would have needed to be made in order for it to be pronounced properly. 5. cfa1e77820